About us

Twenty + Six is a couples blog. She is Georgina Marmoy, he is Joshua Smith. We began this blog as a starting point to help us raise money for NACC as the charity helps people who suffer from illnesses which we both have.

We are currently travelling around South America, documenting our stories and snaps for your viewing pleasure!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Up to speed

Hello, Georgie here!

I thought on this snowy Sunday I'd update you on our training regime for our half-marathon so far whilst also offering a little bit of background info on us while I'm sipping on a cuppa after making a pretty sweet snowman (it's not running weather so I had to do something to burn off some energy!)

Me and Josh have always been pretty keen to run a marathon. Josh's family are keen runners with a few marathons and half marathons under their belts and I've always wanted to challenge myself in a sporty way, so this seemed a good idea.

Keeping fit has always been tough for us having our illnesses. We love the idea of exercising regularly and eating healthily (although sometimes we have the odd naughty treat) but our bodies find it hard to cope with the strenuousness of regular exercise due to the fact that our immune systems are constantly battling with our illnesses - so much so that we tend to only be able to do a certain amout of exercise. This is frustrating but also a reason we decided to take part in this run as although it's tough for us to take part in a lot of fitness training, it will also make our bodies stronger. So for us, this truly is a challenge.

Right now it's just as much about helping our bodies cope with the excerise as it is about training to run 21K and raise some money! Hopefully in the process of making ourselves fitter, we'll also make our bodies stronger and more able to cope with our illnesses, helping us overcome the difficulties we face because of them.

So with 54 days until the 'big run'.. what the heck have we been doing..?!
Good question..

Well, to put it simply.. we've been running!
We're currently running around 5/6 miles per run, running with Josh's dog (Doyle), around ponds, road running and also doing some other exercise. Josh is playing squash whilst I play netball and we also do fitness classes which helps us to bring our fitness levels up. We're also eating and cooking healthy meals (which you will see on our he/she cooks and she/he eats posts coming soon!)

So these next weeks few weeks shall see a big push to help bring our distance running up whilst also getting our diets under control and to a much healthier level. We will keep you updated..

Happy Sunday!

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